Construction safety is of utmost importance for any government or construction company. Many government policies have been put in place to ensure that construction sites are safe for the workers and the general public.
  • Providing a safe workplace.
  • Developing and implementing a written safety program.
  • Establishing safety committees.
  • Training employees on proper work practices, including using equipment safely.
  • Developing and enforcing a program to control hazards from excavation operations, such as controlling underground utilities, protecting adjacent property, and installing barriers around excavations to prevent accidental falls into them.


Construction safety is a significant concern in the United States. In Idaho, the government issued construction safety orders to ensure that contractors and construction workers followed all safety policies and OSHA requirements.

Construction sites in Idaho must have a designated person responsible for ensuring that all workers follow these safety policies and OSHA requirements.

TITAN is a nationwide construction regulation consultation and training company. We are committed to providing our clients with the best construction safety and health training services, occupational safety and health regulatory consulting, and safety compliance audits.

Our SSHOs are highly qualified and competent to perform their duty on your project. They have years of experience in USACE, NAVFAC, and VA projects as SSHOs.

Our SSHOs are certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and have experience in USACE, NAVFAC, and VA projects. They'll work closely with you to develop a plan to meet your company's SS&H needs so you can focus on your business.


Construction sites are hazardous to work environments. Basic safety precautions need to be taken, and professional construction site safety officers should be on the site for various reasons. They can help with inspection and enforcement of safety regulations, train crews on best practices, etc.
Construction is one of the world's most dangerous jobs. Many construction sites are not even safe for those who work there. Construction safety is essential because it prevents hundreds of thousands of injuries, deaths, and illnesses every year.
While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is federal, it does not regulate all safety regulations. States and local governments may also have their own OSHA-specific standards. Idaho is one of these states.